Bookshelves, of a Sort my mother reminds me, these "booskhelves" from the Curiosity Shoppe serve no practical purpose - they could probably hold three books, tops. But still...the bookworm in me just revels in their cuteness. Look:

Fun, right? They're custom made out of actual used books, thus they are one of a kind. So you can sort of personalize it. Are you a
Princess in Waiting?

How about a devoted IBM staffer?

There's something for everyone.
And if you're the minimalist sort, perhaps you'd prefer the more "zen" version, the Invisible Bookshelf from Chiasso. This one seems a bit sturdier; it holds up to 15 pounds. If Magritte had been a furniture designer, I bet he would have done stuff like this. You know, because floating books are soooo surreal.

Hmm...writing this has gotten me in a bookish mood (which is not difficult, believe me). Maybe next post I'll let you guys know what I've been reading.
Thanks for the comments by the way, guys. I LOVE getting feedback, especially the constructive kind, so it is very heartening to know that people are actually interested in what I have to say.

Fun, right? They're custom made out of actual used books, thus they are one of a kind. So you can sort of personalize it. Are you a
Princess in Waiting?

How about a devoted IBM staffer?

There's something for everyone.
And if you're the minimalist sort, perhaps you'd prefer the more "zen" version, the Invisible Bookshelf from Chiasso. This one seems a bit sturdier; it holds up to 15 pounds. If Magritte had been a furniture designer, I bet he would have done stuff like this. You know, because floating books are soooo surreal.

Hmm...writing this has gotten me in a bookish mood (which is not difficult, believe me). Maybe next post I'll let you guys know what I've been reading.
Thanks for the comments by the way, guys. I LOVE getting feedback, especially the constructive kind, so it is very heartening to know that people are actually interested in what I have to say.
Labels: books, bookshelves, Chiasso, Curiosity Shoppe
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