Hooray for CB2...and bikes
A few months ago, pan dan featured the adorable Carrie Bicycle Basket from Design House Stockholm, designed by Marie-Louise Gustaffson. It was then featured on Oh Joy! and in Design*Sponge's kelly green mini trend post. Making its way around the design blogosphere, the Carrie basket collected lots of oohs and ahs.

I'd like to be the sort of girl that rides a bike around the city, looking ever-so-put-together. Though honestly I'm not sure how they do it - city bike riding looks like a marathon sport, from my pedestrian vantage point! So stylish girls on bikes get extra props. The Sartorialist loves to shoot pictures of stylish girls on bikes, and I can't say I blame him. See:

I'd like to think that I could hold my own if I had a Carrie basket on my bike. I'm happy to say that I'm one step closer to that goal of awesome bike-ness. When I was browsing around on CB2 today I crowed with delight (I'm very dramatic) when I found Carrie lingering in their "new outdoor items" section.

I wish that it came in that gorgeous kelly green color, too, but you know beggars can't be choosers!
What kind of Dorothy would have the Carrie basket on her bike? And what sort of Toto would ride within?
These are the sorts of very important questions that preoccupy me from day to day.

I'd like to be the sort of girl that rides a bike around the city, looking ever-so-put-together. Though honestly I'm not sure how they do it - city bike riding looks like a marathon sport, from my pedestrian vantage point! So stylish girls on bikes get extra props. The Sartorialist loves to shoot pictures of stylish girls on bikes, and I can't say I blame him. See:

I'd like to think that I could hold my own if I had a Carrie basket on my bike. I'm happy to say that I'm one step closer to that goal of awesome bike-ness. When I was browsing around on CB2 today I crowed with delight (I'm very dramatic) when I found Carrie lingering in their "new outdoor items" section.

I wish that it came in that gorgeous kelly green color, too, but you know beggars can't be choosers!
What kind of Dorothy would have the Carrie basket on her bike? And what sort of Toto would ride within?
These are the sorts of very important questions that preoccupy me from day to day.
Labels: carrie bike basket, CB2, design house stockholm, mary louise gustafsson
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