Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Alice in Wonderland seems to be turning up everywhere I look. Remember this post? Lewis Carroll's timeless muse has long been an inspiration for the creative - even Salvador Dali and Marie Laurencin dipped in their toes. This trend has continued to this day.
For example, witness Just My Cup of Tea's great find, this set of dishes from NYC wonderland Fish's Eddy.

And then there's this wonderful pinafore-like dress from Shumac at Le Train Bleu:

How about this downtown Mad Hatter from The Sartorialist?

And what of the recent proliferation (no complaints here, I think they're quite cute) of so-called Alice bands (as they still say in Britain)?

I love this very sweet Nymphemburg hare as food for thought (er, definitely no pun intended!), from ever-wonderful online boutique Rose and Radish. Pocket watch and frantic mien not included.

Of course, I've saved the best for last. You can't forget Vogue's brilliant editorial a few years back. It's one of my favorites of recent years. Starring Natalia Vodianova, who made a perfect Alice, the shoot was styled by the effervescent Hamish Bowles and photographed by La Leibovitz. Natalia's co-stars were, of course, the designers themselves. My own copy of the magazine is sadly packed away in storage, but there's still a feature on it on Style.com.

Helmut Alice

Balenciaga Alice

Lacroix Alice
For the article, and lots more gorgeous photos to feast your eyes upon, click here.
Okay, wait, just one more for giggles!
I hope you didn't mind the length of this post - let's just say I'm very happy it's the weekend, and I guess my delight hath spilleth over. It's been a long five days.
Labels: Alice in Wonderland, annie leibovitz, Fishs Eddy, Gallery of the Absurd, hamish bowles, headbands, Le Train Bleu, Lewis Carroll, natalia vodianova, nymphenburg, rose and radish, Sartorialist, vogue
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